In the summer of 2023 I introduced the Alexander Technique to around 20 classical musicians in Bucharest. None of them had experienced the Alexander Technique before, and as well as giving workshops, I made time to provide some hands-on work.

For their interest, I took ‘before and after’ photos. Pretty obviously, the ‘before’ condition was before they had experienced any hands-on work. The ‘after’ condition was after only around 15 minutes hands-on (I had limited time, though they had additional hands-on work on subsequent days).

I’ve included some of the ‘before and after’ photos below, with a little bit of commentary. Visible changes don’t by any means tell us everything. For example, a change in alignment doesn’t necessarily demonstrate a change in tension. However, the feel under the teacher’s hands is very different when someone has let go of tension, and the snapshots do indeed show a general direction of travel.

The snapshots are interesting, fun and intriguing and most definitely not scientific. Permission to use the images was given in all cases.

I’ve blogged about my previous work with musicians in Romania here (includes testimonials) and here (more snapshots).

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Big changes here: head not pulled back and down, weight further back on the heels, back released into length, shoulder blades released apart from each other. The impression? Alert, present and grounded!
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Neck less compressed, head released forward, shoulders and arms released. Palms facing back indicates a widening across the back.
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Subtle yet profound. More length in the torso and so much more presence.
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Most obvious here is the lengthened upper back and balance of the head. Compare the distance between the top of his collar and his hairline!
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This participant’s top is masking some of the changes, but there are big changes if you know what you’re looking for. Compare, for example, the vertical crease on her top, and her underarm.
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A different way to describe the difference: anxious and held vs. powerful and grounded. The change in hand position is dramatic.
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Standing to attention (breath held?) vs. inner attention. Palm turning back indicative of a widening back.
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No longer swaying forward, standing like a plumb-line is less effortful.